An Insightful Conversation with Eve

Through my dreamy haze I saw her approaching and said “Come Ma, come sit down!” while rubbing the purple velvet-microfiber cushion with all the encouragement I could muster, in respects to my nervousness. The spot I chose was within my immediate vicinity in hopes to see her beauty more closely but more importantly and alternately to establish the intimacy of the conversation that would soon transpire. Eve’s voice was perfectly balanced between strength and comfort, I would indulge in hearing her speak and be honored to listen.

Her skin was like nothing I’ve seen on this earth, it had a glow so radiant it must have been touched by God himself. He touched her so long ago, I thought to myself, but here she was before me glowing with every essence of life in her figure, her posture and her agape presences; a majesty. She came closer than I’d even imagined, she delicately kissed my cheek and hugged me warmly then looked through my eyes into my soul. The mother of all Mothers, the one created last said to me “I’m sorry my dear”.

Many of my preconceived questions melted due to her sincerity, as the weight of our existence transformed before me. I learned not so long ago to pursue the truth in matters only until the questions of my heart are answered, beyond that point the truth finding process becomes catty.

Within her eyes laid traces of the enemy’s treachery, it looked too familiar to the look of my peer, of my elders and of my reflection. Evil entered the world the same way it manifests itself today and I understood that before speaking with Eve. “I appreciate it Ma, I understand to so say the least.” With an animated tired expression on my face, we both laughed, she was in on our cultural gestures, evidently because she started them!  After our laughing ceased I said “I need your guidance please I am concerned with direction, to understand the purpose of us, please tell me Ma, please. What to do now?”

As I waited for her response I grudgingly acknowledged that my heart aches for understanding, and my vision is troubled because my eyes are attempting to discourage my faith. Our brothers, sons and fathers are being slaughtered by one another and with their arms up, and their belief in themselves has been dwindled to make them content with the scraps of this world. In addition, we, woman, who were created to follow and support of theses God-reflecting men are struggling. Our subconscious is being compromised and there are distressed relations between us, them and one another.

Eve responded, “I know what you’re thinking, your purpose is to support, love and minister to your man but in actuality it is only one of many purposes you serve in this world”. Her sublime tone comforted and corrected me as she continued. “Although, I was created after man and from man, I bought God’s vision to full fruition and it resulted in a covenant that isn’t of this world. Therefore, the process to your promises and purpose fulfillments lies in the relationship you establish with the Lord and no one else.” She sat straight postured looking for conformation that I understood and I did. I realized God had been showing me these things throughout my life, constantly redirecting me as I had gone astray.

“It’s time for you to wake up now breathe boldly so the universe knows who you are, move in tempered emotion and remember there is a magnitude of people you have to influence and once you are sure of it, the world will be sure of it too.”

5 thoughts on “An Insightful Conversation with Eve

  1. Beautifully written Mia!!
    You remind me of this verse.. Psalms 68:11-12
    The Lord announces the word,
    and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng:
    “Kings and armies flee in haste;
    the women at home divide the plunder

    Keep publishing the gospel 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautifully written Mia!!
    You remind me of this verse
    The Lord announces the word,
    and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng:
    “Kings and armies flee in haste;
    the women at home divide the plunder.
    Keep publishing the gospel 💕

    Liked by 1 person

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